Quantum Memory
-Research Interests-
Quantum memories play a crucial role in emerging quantum technologies like quantum communication and quantum computing. They have the ability to store and release photonic states as needed, which is important for synchronizing spontaneous photon generation and creating large entangled states, essential for scalable quantum computing. In our group, we focus on designing and implementing fiber-based quantum memories. We store single-photon-level pulses in fiber cavities and control the memory operation using intense optical control pulses. Our goal is to optimize these quantum memories to accommodate different wavelengths and bandwidths, enabling versatile applications in quantum communication and quantum computing. By pushing the boundaries of fiber-based quantum memories, we aim to contribute to the advancement of quantum technologies and pave the way for future breakthroughs in the field.
- K. Bonsma-Fisher, P. J. Bustard, C. Parry, T. A. Wright, D. G. England, B. J. Sussman, P. J. Mosley “Ultratunable quantum frequency conversion in photonic crystal fiber,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 203603 (2022).
- P. J. Bustard, K. Bonsma-Fisher, C. Hnatovsky, D. Grobnic, S. J. Mihailov, D. England, B. J. Sussman “Toward a Quantum Memory in a Fiber Cavity Controlled by Intracavity Frequency Translation,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 120501 (2022).
- K. Fisher, D. G. England, J.-P. W. MacLean, P. J. Bustard, K. Heshami, K. J. Resch, B. J. Sussman “Storage of polarization-entangled THz-bandwidth photons in a diamond quantum memory,” Physical Review A 96, 012324 (2017).
- P. J. Bustard, D. G. England, K. Heshami, C. Kupchak, B. J. Sussman “Quantum frequency conversion with ultra-broadband tuning in a Raman memory,” Physical Review A 95, 053816 (2017).
- K. Heshami, D. G. England, P. C. Humphreys, P. J. Bustard, V. M. Acosta, J. Nunn, B. J. Sussman “Quantum memories: emerging applications and recent advances,” Journal of Modern Optics 63, 2005 (2016).
- G. S. Thekkadath, K. Heshami, D. G. England, P. J. Bustard, B. J. Sussman, M. Spanner “Optical quantum memory for ultrafast photons using molecular alignment,” Journal of Modern Optics 63, 2093 (2016).
- P. J. Bustard, D. G. England, K. Heshami, C. Kupchak, B. J. Sussman “Reducing noise in a Raman quantum memory,” Optics Letters 41, 5055 (2016).
- D. G. England, K. Fisher, J.-P. W. MacLean, P. J. Bustard, K. Heshami, K. J. Resch, B. J. Sussman “Phonon-mediated nonclassical interference in diamond,” Physical Review Letters 117, 073603 (2016).
- P. J. Bustard, K. Heshami, D. G. England, M. Spanner, B. J. Sussman “Raman-induced slow-light delay of THz-bandwidth pulses,” Physical Review A 93, 043810 (2016).
- K. Fisher, D. G. England, J.-P. W. MacLean, P. J. Bustard, K. J. Resch, B. J. Sussman “Frequency and bandwidth conversion of single photons in a room-temperature diamond quantum memory,” Nature Communications 7, 1-6 (2016).
- D. G. England, K. A. G. Fisher, J.-P. W. MacLean, P. J. Bustard, R. Lausten, K. J. Resch, B. J. Sussman “Storage and retrieval of THz-bandwidth single photons using a room-temperature diamond quantum memory,” Physical Review Letters 114, 053602 (2015).
- D. G. England, P. J. Bustard, J. Nunn, R. Lausten, B. J. Sussman “From photons to phonons and back: A THz optical memory in diamond,” Physical Review Letters 111, 243601 (2013).
- P. J. Bustard, R. Lausten, D. G. England, B. J. Sussman “Toward quantum processing in molecules: A THz-bandwidth coherent memory for light,” Physical Review Letters 111, 083901 (2013).