

  • Frédéric Bouchard, Kate Fenwick, Kent Bonsma-Fisher, Duncan England, Philip J Bustard, Khabat Heshami, Benjamin Sussman “Programmable Photonic Quantum Circuits with Ultrafast Time-bin Encoding,” arXiv:2404.17657 (2024).
  • Kate L Fenwick, Frédéric Bouchard, Duncan England, Philip J Bustard, Khabat Heshami, Benjamin Sussman “Photonic quantum walk with ultrafast time-bin encoding,” arXiv:2404.02238 (2024).
  • Andrew H Proppe, Guillaume Thekkadath, Duncan England, Philip J Bustard, Frédéric Bouchard, Jeff S Lundeen, Benjamin J Sussman “3d-2d neural nets for phase retrieval in noisy interferometric imaging,” arXiv:2402.06063 (2024).

Journal Papers


  • K. A. G. Bonsma-Fisher, R. Tannous, D. Poitras, C. Hnatovsky, S. J. Mihailov, P. J. Bustard, D. G. England, B. J. Sussman “Storage of telecom wavelength heralded single photons in a fiber cavity quantum memory,” Optica Quantum 2, 41 (2024).
  • Yingwen Zhang, Duncan England, Antony Orth, Ebrahim Karimi, Benjamin Sussman “Quantum light-field microscopy for volumetric imaging with extreme depth of field,” Physical Review Applied 21, 024029 (2024).
  • P. J. Bustard, R. Tannous, K. Bonsma-Fisher, D. Poitras, C. Hnatovsky, S. J Mihailov, D. England, B. J. Sussman “Toward deterministic sources: Photon generation in a fiber-cavity quantum memory,” Physical Review A 109, 013711 (2024).


  • M. Stasiuk, F. Hufnagel, X. Gao, A. Z. Goldberg, F. Bouchard, E. Karimi, K. Heshami “High-dimensional Encoding in the Round-Robin Differential-Phase-Shift Protocol,” Quantum 7, 1207 (2023).
  • A. R. Cameron, K. L. Fenwick, S. Cheng, S. Schwarz, B. MacLellan, P. J. Bustard, D. England, B. Sussman, K. J. Resch “Ultrafast Measurement of Energy-Time Entanglement with an Optical Kerr Shutter,” Physical Review A 108, L041503 (2023).
  • G. Thekkadath, D. England, B. Sussman “Intensity correlation holography for remote phase sensing and 3D imaging,” Optics Express 31, 43574 (2023).
  • M Eriksson, AZ Goldberg, M Hiekkamäki, F Bouchard, G Leuchs, R Fickler, LL Sanchez-Soto “Sensing rotations with multiplane light conversion,” Physical Review Applied 20, 024052 (2023).
  • G. S. Thekkadath, D. England, F. Bouchard, Y. Zhang, M. S. Kim, B. Sussman “Intensity interferometry for holography with quantum and classical light,” Science Advances 9, eadh1439 (2023).
  • A. Z. Goldberg, G. S. Thekkadath, K. Heshami “Measuring the quadrature coherence scale on a cloud quantum computer,” Phys. Rev. A 107, 042610 (2023).
  • K. A. G. Bonsma-Fisher, C. Hnatovsky, D. Grobnic, S. J. Mihailov, P. J. Bustard, D. G. England, and B. J. Sussman “Fiber-integrated quantum memory for telecom light,” Phys. Rev. A 108, 012606 (2023).
  • F. Bouchard, K. Bonsma-Fisher, K. Heshami, P. J. Bustard, D. England, B. Sussman “Measuring ultrafast time-bin qudits,” Phys. Rev. A 107, 022618 (2023).
  • V. Vidyapin, Y. Zhang, D. England, B. Sussman “Characterisation of a single photon event camera for quantum imaging,” Scientific Reports 13, 1009 (2023).
  • H. Hodgson, Y. Zhang, D. England, B. Sussman “Reconfigurable phase contrast microscopy with correlated photon pairs,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 034001 (2023).
  • Y. Zhang, D. England, B. Sussman “Snapshot hyperspectral imaging with quantum correlated photons,” Optics Express 31, 2282 (2023).


  • K. Bonsma-Fisher, P. J. Bustard, C. Parry, T. A. Wright, D. G. England, B. J. Sussman, P. J. Mosley “Ultratunable quantum frequency conversion in photonic crystal fiber,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 203603 (2022).
  • P. J. Bustard, K. Bonsma-Fisher, C. Hnatovsky, D. Grobnic, S. J. Mihailov, D. England, B. J. Sussman “Toward a Quantum Memory in a Fiber Cavity Controlled by Intracavity Frequency Translation,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 120501 (2022).
  • F. Bouchard, D. England, P. J. Bustard, K. Heshami, B. Sussman “Quantum communication with ultrafast time-bin qubits,” PRX Quantum 3, 010332 (2022).
  • Y. Zhang, A. Orth, D. England, B. Sussman “Ray tracing with quantum correlated photons to image a three-dimensional scene,” Phys. Rev. A 105, L011701 (2022).
  • J. Sinclair, D. Angulo, K. Thompson, K. Bonsma-Fisher, A. Brodutch, A. M. Steinberg “Measuring the Time Atoms Spend in the Excited State Due to a Photon They Do Not Absorb,” PRX Quantum 3, 010314 (2022).
  • G. S. Thekkadath, S. Sempere-Llagostera, B. A. Bell, R. B. Patel, M. S. Kim, I. A. Walmsley “Experimental demonstration of Gaussian boson sampling with displacement,” PRX Quantum 3, 020336 (2022).
  • X. Gao, Y. Zhang, A. D’Errico, F. Hufnagel, K. Heshami, E. Karimi “Manipulating the symmetry of transverse momentum entangled biphoton states,” Optics Express 30, 21276 (2022).
  • X. Gao, Y. Zhang, A. D’Errico, K. Heshami, E. Karimi “High-speed imaging of spatiotemporal correlations in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference,” Optics Express 30, 19456 (2022).


  • D. England, F. Bouchard, K. Fenwick, K. Bonsma-Fisher, Y. Zhang, P. J. Bustard, B. J. Sussman “Perspectives on all-optical Kerr switching for quantum optical applications,” Applied Physics Letters 119, 160501 (2021).
  • Y. Zhang, D. England, A. Nomerotski, B. Sussman “High speed imaging of spectral-temporal correlations in Hong-Ou-Mandel interference,” Optics Express 29, 28217 (2021).
  • F. Bouchard, D. England, P. J. Bustard, K. L. Fenwick, E. Karimi, K. Heshami, B. Sussman “Achieving ultimate noise tolerance in quantum communication,” Physical Review Applied 15, 024027 (2021).
  • M. Hiekkamäki, F. Bouchard, R. Fickle “Photonic Angular Superresolution Using Twisted N00N States,” Physical Review Letters 127, 263601 (2021).
  • L. Kopf, J. R. Deop Ruano, M. Hiekkamäki, T. Stolt, M. J. Huttunen, F. Bouchard, R. Fickler “Spectral vector beams for high-speed spectroscopic measurements,” Optica 8, 930 (2021).
  • D. Paneru, A. Te’eni, B. Y. Peled, J. Hubble, Y. Zhang, A. Carmi, E. Cohen, E. Karimi “Experimental tests of multiplicative Bell inequalities and the fundamental role of local correlations,” Physical Review Research 3, L012025 (2021).


  • F. Hufnagel, A. Sit, F. Bouchard, Y. Zhang, D. England, K. Heshami, B. J. Sussman, E. Karimi “Investigation of underwater quantum channels in a 30 meter flume tank using structured photons,” New Journal of Physics 22, 093074 (2020).
  • K. L. Fenwick, D. G. England, P. J. Bustard, J. M. Fraser, B. J. Sussman “Carving out configurable ultrafast pulses from a continuous wave source via the optical Kerr effect,” Optics Express 28, 24845 (2020).
  • P. Svihra, Y. Zhang, P. Hockett, S. Ferrante, B. Sussman, D. England, A. Nomerotski “Multivariate discrimination in quantum target detection,”
  • E. S. Goudreau, C. Kupchak, B. J. Sussman, R. W. Boyd, J. S. Lundeen “Theory of four-wave mixing of cylindrical vector beams in optical fibers,” JOSA B 37, 1670 (2020).
  • Y. Zhang, D. England, A. Nomerotski, P. Svihra, S. Ferrante, P. Hockett, B. Sussman “Multidimensional quantum-enhanced target detection via spectrotemporal-correlation measurements,” Physical Review A 101, 053808 (2020).
  • F. Bouchard, A. Sit, Y. Zhang, R. Fickler, F. M. Miatto, Y. Yao, F. Sciarrino, E. Karimi “Two-photon interference: the Hong–Ou–Mandel effect,” Reports on Progress in Physics 84, 012402 (2020).
  • F. Brandt, M. Hiekkamäki, F. Bouchard, M. Huber, R. Fickler “High-dimensional quantum gates using full-field spatial modes of photons,” Optica 7, 98 (2020).
  • R. Fickler, F. Bouchard, E. Giese, V. Grillo, G. Leuchs, E. Karimi “Full-field mode sorter using two optimized phase transformations for high-dimensional quantum cryptography,” Journal of Optics 22, 024001 (2020).
  • M. F. Ferrer-Garcia, Y. Alvandi, Y. Zhang, E. Karimi “Theoretical analysis on spatially structured beam induced mass transport in azo-polymer films,” Optics Express 28, 19954 (2020).
  • S. Liu, Y. Zhang, C. Yang, S. Liu, Z. Ge, Y. Li, Y. Li, Z. Zhou, G. Guo, B. Shi “Increasing two-photon entangled dimensions by shaping input-beam profiles,” Physical Review A 101, 052324 (2020).
  • H. Song, Y. Zhang, Y. Ren, Z. Yuan, D. Zhao, Z. Zheng, L. Gao “Non-local edge enhanced imaging with incoherent thermal light,” Applied Physics Letters 16, 174001 (2020).


  • H. Liu, D. Giovannini, H. He, D. England, B. J. Sussman, B. Balaji, A. S. Helmy “Enhancing LIDAR performance metrics using continuous-wave photon-pair sources,” Optica 6, 1349 (2019).
  • F. Hufnagel, A. Sit, F. Grenapin, F. Bouchard, K. Heshami, D. England, Y. Zhang, B. J. Sussman, R. W. Boyd, G. Leuchs, E. Karimi “Characterization of an underwater channel for quantum communications in the Ottawa River,” Optics Express 27, 26346 (2019).
  • C. Kupchak, J. Erskine, D. England, B. Sussman “Terahertz-bandwidth switching of heralded single photons,” Optics Letters 44, 1427 (2019).
  • B. Sussman, P. Corkum, A. Blais, D. Cory, A. Damascelli “Quantum Canada,” Quantum Science and Technology 4, 020503 (2019).
  • D. G. England, B. Balaji, B. J. Sussman “Quantum-enhanced standoff detection using correlated photon paire,” Physical Review A 99, 023828 (2019).


  • J. Erskine, D. England, C. Kupchak, B. Sussman “Real-time spectral characterization of a photon pair source using a chirped supercontinuum seed,” Optics Letters 43, 907 (2018).
  • F. Bouchard, K. Heshami, D. England, R. Fickler, R. W. Boyd, B.-G. Englert, L. L. Sánchez-Soto, E. Karimi “Experimental investigation of high-dimensional quantum key distribution protocols with twisted photons,” Quantum 2, 111 (2018).


  • C. Kupchak, P. J. Bustard, K. Heshami, J. Erskine, M. Spanner, D. G. England, B. J. Sussman “Time-bin-to-polarization conversion of ultrafast photonic qubits,” Physical Review A 96, 053812 (2017).
  • K. Fisher, D. G. England, J.-P. W. MacLean, P. J. Bustard, K. Heshami, K. J. Resch, B. J. Sussman “Storage of polarization-entangled THz-bandwidth photons in a diamond quantum memory,” Physical Review A 96, 012324 (2017).
  • P. J. Bustard, D. G. England, K. Heshami, C. Kupchak, B. J. Sussman “Quantum frequency conversion with ultra-broadband tuning in a Raman memory,” Physical Review A 95, 053816 (2017).


  • K. Heshami, D. G. England, P. C. Humphreys, P. J. Bustard, V. M. Acosta, J. Nunn, B. J. Sussman “Quantum memories: emerging applications and recent advances,” Journal of Modern Optics 63, 2005 (2016).
  • G. S. Thekkadath, K. Heshami, D. G. England, P. J. Bustard, B. J. Sussman, M. Spanner “Optical quantum memory for ultrafast photons using molecular alignment,” Journal of Modern Optics 63, 2093 (2016).
  • P. J. Bustard, D. G. England, K. Heshami, C. Kupchak, B. J. Sussman “Reducing noise in a Raman quantum memory,” Optics Letters 41, 5055 (2016).
  • D. G. England, K. Fisher, J.-P. W. MacLean, P. J. Bustard, K. Heshami, K. J. Resch, B. J. Sussman “Phonon-mediated nonclassical interference in diamond,” Physical Review Letters 117, 073603 (2016).
  • P. J. Bustard, K. Heshami, D. G. England, M. Spanner, B. J. Sussman “Raman-induced slow-light delay of THz-bandwidth pulses,” Physical Review A 93, 043810 (2016).
  • K. Fisher, D. G. England, J.-P. W. MacLean, P. J. Bustard, K. J. Resch, B. J. Sussman “Frequency and bandwidth conversion of single photons in a room-temperature diamond quantum memory,” Nature Communications 7, 1-6 (2016).


  • P. J. Bustard, J. Erskine, D. G. England, J. Nunn, P. Hockett, R. Lausten, M. Spanner, B. J. Sussman “Nonclassical correlations between terahertz-bandwidth photons mediated by rotational quanta in hydrogen molecules,” Optics Letters 40, 922 (2015).
  • D. G. England, K. A. G. Fisher, J.-P. W. MacLean, P. J. Bustard, R. Lausten, K. J. Resch, B. J. Sussman “Storage and retrieval of THz-bandwidth single photons using a room-temperature diamond quantum memory,” Physical Review Letters 114, 053602 (2015).


  • D. G. England, P. J. Bustard, D. J. Moffatt, J. Nunn, R. Lausten, B. J. Sussman “Efficient Raman generation in a waveguide: A route to ultrafast quantum random number generation,” Applied Physics Letters 104, 051117 (2014).


  • D. G. England, P. J. Bustard, J. Nunn, R. Lausten, B. J. Sussman “From photons to phonons and back: A THz optical memory in diamond,” Physical Review Letters 111, 243601 (2013).
  • P. J. Bustard, D. G. England, J. Nunn, D. Moffatt, M. Spanner, R. Lausten, B. J. Sussman “Quantum random bit generation using energy fluctuations in stimulated Raman scattering,” Optics Express 21, 29350 (2013).
  • P. J. Bustard, R. Lausten, D. G. England, B. J. Sussman “Toward quantum processing in molecules: A THz-bandwidth coherent memory for light,” Physical Review Letters 111, 083901 (2013).


  • P. J. Bustard, R. Lausten, B. J. Sussman “Molecular alignment and orientation with a hybrid Raman scattering technique,” Physical Review A 86, 053419 (2012).


  • P. J. Bustard, D. Moffatt, R. Lausten, G. Wu, I. A. Walmsley, B. J Sussman “Quantum random bit generation using stimulated Raman scattering,” Optics Express 19, 25173 (2011).
  • P. J. Bustard, G. Wu, R. Lausten, D. Townsend, I. A. Walmsley, A. Stolow, B. J. Sussman “From molecular control to quantum technology with the dynamic Stark effect,” Faraday discussions 153, 321 (2011).